Transformation Pics

I will be using this page to post pics of me as I transform my body.

This was me on July 2, 2012

This is me as of July 31, 2013 (FYI, This is after my chest workout and I have a great pump!)

Disclaimer-All my boot camp pics are taking first thing in the morning. By doing so I take out other variables so I can see my true results of training. So in these pics I have no pump or excess water weight that you gain throughout the day.

Here is my one month pic of my 12 week boot camp

Love how my body is coming along. The biggest thing that has helped me the most is the fact that I have got my nutrition on point. 

I am at the 2 month mark of my 3 month boot camp. Felling better than I ever have and my body is starting to show it even more. When I started this boot camp I was working at an Aluminum factory on night shift and now I have quit that job and have earned my certified personal trainer certificate. So much has changed in these two months and I look forward to whats in store for the future.

This is my almost one year later (Sept. 28, 2014) I have put on good muscle. Currently sitting at 189lbs 12% bodyfat. I am in my lean bulk phase.

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