Sunday, September 28, 2014

Almost One Year Since My Last Post!?!

Well it's almost been exactly one year since I have made a post on my blog. In that time I have been working as a personal trainer at Gold's Gym in Murfreessboro, TN. I have obtained  my Performance Enhancement Specialist credential from NASM and now I am currently a student at Middle Tennessee State University for Exercise Science. A year ago if I would have never guessed that I would have come this far as a trainer, person and honestly where I am financially in my life. Fitness has totally changed my life for the better and I love what I do. Training is one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done. I have helped my clients reach their goals and have received many thank you texts, which I save all of them, from clients thanking my for motivating them to change their lives. The reason I have decided to continue this blog is to post motivating, fitness related material and also to talk about what is going on in my life. And for an update here is my latest "selfie" that I took today during my back and bicep workout. I have started lean bulking 3 weeks ago and I am currently sitting at 189lbs up from 185lbs. Love the results that I am seeing!